About Gospel Life

We are excited to share with you what God is doing in Lewisburg, MS. Church planting, since New Testament times, is the greatest way to reach those who are far from God. The Lord has placed our family here and burdened our heart for this community. We invite you to join us to make an eternal impact for the Kingdom of God.

We believe the Lord wants to start a new work in the Cockrum area. While many families are moving to this area there is not a Baptist church to welcome them. We long to see Jesus known and loved in these homes and to see ordinary people become faithful disciples that multiply disciples.

Pastor Trey and his wife, Meghan. Elizabeth, Katie Jane, and Micah (l to r)


Meet the Clenneys

Trey was born in Memphis, TN and raised in Hernando, MS. He was born again and baptized at Longview Heights Baptist Church in 2001. Trey and Meghan were married in 2004 and moved their membership to Longview Point to serve in the student ministry. In 2007 Trey was called to be the Student Pastor at the Point and since then has also served as Missions Pastor and Discipleship Pastor. They were the Point’s missionaries to India from 2015-2017. Each of these opportunities to serve the Lord has helped the family learn various ways to serve together to minister and make disciples.

Their three children, Elizabeth, Micah, and Katie are all in Lewisburg schools. Meghan is gifted as a teacher and disciple maker, and she loves the idea of planting with Trey. Their children are also excited to serve the Lord as a family in this way. The whole family is called to this work of sharing the love and gospel of Christ to those who are unchurched, de-churched, and far from God.

Core Values


We believe it is all about Jesus. Therefore the Gospel must inform and drive all that we do. (Rom. 12:1-2) Without Christ we can do nothing and we must abide in Him. (John 15) All we do is for God’s Glory! (Matt. 5:16)


The Great Commission is not to make converts, but disciples. This is not accomplished through programs, but obedience-driven discipleship. (Matt. 28:18-20) We train and equip our disciples to make disciples that make disciples (2 Tim. 2:2) all according to the Word of God. (2 Tim. 3:16) Part of discipleship is giving the ministry to the body of believers. (Eph. 4:11)


The Great Commission is for every believer.
(Matt. 28:18-20) We desire to plant churches that plant churches. Our vision is to be a part of God’s plan to see people from every nation, tribe, people, and language worshipping Jesus before the throne. (Rev. 7:9)

Matthew 9:37-38

The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest. 

Ways to Get Involved



Pray for salvations in Cockrum. Pray for relationships to develop and flourish in the area. Pray that we would find favor with community leaders and other ministries and organizations.


Join Our Team

We are praying for God to call people to join us in reaching Cockrum with the gospel. We are looking for people who are willing to commit their lives and leverage their careers to be a part of a disciplemaking movement.


Become a Partner

By becoming a partner church, you have the opportunity to send short-term mission teams and provide training to our team.



Give to the mission of the Cockrum church plant. When you give you are participating in the mission of God to transform this area for His glory.